Issue 09 - Slay and Scream
October 2023
Featuring: Ked
Alongside: RAEGAN
In a world where the boundaries of fashion, music, and media often blur, we have dared to dive into the realms of horror and the unknown. From spine-chilling photography that draws inspiration from classic horror icons to interviews with musicians whose tunes haunt your dreams, and analysis of media that will make your heart race - we've summoned it all within this issue.
This issue is not for the faint-hearted; it's for those who dare to embrace the darkness and wear it with pride. Fashion has always been a form of self-expression, and in this issue, we invite you to express your innermost fears and fantasies through the art of clothing. Brace yourself for a visual feast of darkness, featuring gothic glam, vampiric vogue, and punk-rock horrors that will leave you spellbound.
As we embark on this terrifyingly fashionable journey, remember that fear can be a powerful catalyst for creativity. It's in the darkest moments that we often discover our brightest ideas and our boldest expressions.
The fear, the mystery, and the eerie beauty of the unexplored await your discovery. So, lock your doors, turn on a single dimly lit lamp, 47 be your guide through the shadows.
Thank you for joining us on this chilling adventure. We hope you find inspiration in the unsettling, beauty in the bizarre, and fear in fashion.
Welcome to the darker side of Gen Z culture.
With darkness and daring,
Mark Bluemle and Sophia Querrazzi
Editor-In-Chief, Executive Editor, Director of Photography
Mark Bluemle
Editorial Director, Executive Director
Sophia Querrazzi
Editor at Large, Copy Chief
Lucy Anderson
Entertainment and Music Editor, Editorial Assistant
Ashley Murphy
Social Media Coordinator, Production Management
Jake Pranian
Assistant Director of Photography
Sophia Keefe
Assistant Social Media Coordinator
Jazzi Almestica
Assistant Entertainment Editor
Toni Desiree
Assistant Editor At Large
Ashley Lavalle
Diamond Durant
Kindra Kirsch
Graphic Arts Director, Issue 09 Covers
Chloe Amen
Zine Director
Catalina Torres