This poem is inspired by the original eight-colored pride flag created by Gilbert Baker in 1978. Each color has its own unique symbolism.
Pink stands for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for serenity, and violet for spirit.
Prism of Touch
By Grace Bugin
Sinking my teeth in
Your hands pull the roots,
Connecting my heart
Your sweetness stains
Like a cigarette on my lips
In the clouds, I crave
Dreaming of a life
Where I don’t have to hide
Where you are just you
And I, just me
Kneeling, I pray
As you are my god
So afraid of your touch
Save me
Ruin me
Gleaming in the night
Your warm eyes begged
Your touch, my solace
Burns into my skin
Forbidden, unexplored
The wind carries our love
As if a secret
Shared with the trees,
We call to the moon
Pleading to an empty sky
A brush on a canvas
My hand touches yours
Hitched breath and quickened pulse
We linger in this moment
Echoing through my mind
Whispers of a lullaby,
So sweet the sound,
Floats through the air
Pulling me from the clouds
Reality begins anew
Intertwining souls
Weaved through eternity
Searching and searching
For the hand
That fits within mine