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Will Dooley: "Retreat!"

Will Dooley by Haley Geffen

Will Dooley dominated the Pace music scene last semester, it seems like I was always hearing about him. I’ll be honest; I am always skeptical of listening to college students' music because you never know what to expect (you'll always find the best on 47Magazine), but I immediately fell in love with his album, “Retreat!”. I am always trying to find music exactly like this and I can’t stop listening to the song, “Time2Go”. Without future ado - Will Dooley!

1. What is the backstory behind the album, "Retreat!"

During the retreat sessions, I was honestly just really annoyed with a bunch of bullshit that I didn’t want to deal with. The record is about me trying to escape from those problems and the process itself was a good escape as well. We stripped most of the songs down to their most necessary elements. It's one of my most honest projects and I wanted to showcase that.

2. Who is your current music inspiration?

James Blake or anyone with some crazy layering and harmonies. That's my whole life.

3. What made you get into songwriting & producing music?

I started using GarageBand when I was four. I started on Ableton when I was 8. I grew up with a lot of different types of music. My mom loves her 70s and 80s rock bands, and my dad loves his weirdo shit.

4. How would you describe the music you're making now?

I’m in a band now with my two best friends, called Camp Van Sant, which has been my focus lately. I’ve been experimenting with new sounds that I have never messed with. The guys have really pushed me to expand my palate. We want high-energy music that’s musically interesting but familiar.

5. What's in store for the future?!

I will be moving to LA over the summer. A Camp Van Sant album should come out this year, and I really want to get back into playing shows and bigger rooms.

Thank you so much Will for taking the time to answer these questions and take pictures for the magazine! I see the true potential within this artist and am so excited to see the come-up. You can listen to his album, “Retreat!” below!

Photographed by Haley Geffen

Interviewed by Mark Bluemle

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